Sharing a printer with Mac OS X 10.4

Tim Waugh twaugh at
Tue Oct 2 17:22:43 UTC 2007

On Tue, 2007-10-02 at 13:54 -0300, André Costa wrote:
> You're right, I just tested it and it works! Thks! =) I completely
> overlooked the "Server Settings" options... =/
> ... which leads to the question: if I share a printer, shouldn't the
> admin tool suggest that I also make sure published printers are being
> shared? (or at least warn me if they're not?) Does it make sense to
> mark printers as shared if the "Shared published printers" isn't
> checked on the "Server Settings" dialog?

Yes, it should.  It already does this in some circumstances, but CUPS
makes this harder than it should currently.  In CUPS 1.4 I understand
that it will be possible for the tool to figure that out without needing
to authenticate as root first.


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