shell variable security

Miner, Jonathan W (CSC) (US SSA) jonathan.w.miner at
Wed Oct 3 16:43:52 UTC 2007

> We have all heard about security problems with shell variables

Can some one post a test case that exploits this?  While I understand the issue that the OP addressed, I can't seem to write a shell script that exploits this. Take this sample script:

while read line; do
  foo=`echo $line`
  echo $foo

if I run it and enter something like "Jon; date" it just echos it back. The date command does not executed.  If I run the script with the -x argument, it looks like this:

$ bash -x
+ read line
Jon; date
++ echo 'Jon;' date
+ foo='Jon; date'
+ echo 'Jon;' date
Jon; date
+ read line

It looks like the shell is putting single quotes around the ';'. I really believe that what the OP asked about is a problem, I just can't seem to generate a test case that illustrates it.
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