[Fedora] Re: SELinux Attack!

Karl Larsen k5di at zianet.com
Fri Oct 12 18:09:54 UTC 2007

Ashley M. Kirchner wrote:
> Karl Larsen wrote:
>>> touch /.autorelabel
>>> and reboot. It might fix things.
>> Hi I did that and looked at dmesg and it says even though I have 
>> tried to turn off SELinux 4 times it is still coming up in passive 
>> mode! Is there a way to for SURE turn off SELinux?
>    You never tried to turn it off, so of course it comes up at every 
> reboot.  Auto relabeling just does that, relabels stuff for SElinux.  
> You can set SElinux to "disabled" if you so desire.  Some folks like 
> to use the security-config option for that, others prefer editing 
> /etc/sysconfig/selinux .  Whatever method you choose, you have to 
> reboot after that and you'll notice just before your services start 
> up, SElinux will come up and go into disabled mode...  There are way 
> too many things within FC that relies on SElinux, so you can't REMOVE 
> it, but you can turn it off as mentioned above.
Well I used the edit mode at /etc/sysconfig/selinux and there was 
nothing to do. It says that it is in the disabled mode but it isn't. 
Where else can I look? All the things on the  gui say that selinux is 
turned off because I did that 4 times.  But dmesg says that my computer 
is coming up in the passive mode. There MUST be a way to stop this :-(


	Karl F. Larsen, AKA K5DI
	Linux User
	#450462   http://counter.li.org.

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