Emacs Configuration & Emacs Splash Screen

Anders Karlsson anders at trudheim.co.uk
Sat Oct 20 06:47:26 UTC 2007

Thus, Tony Crouch at Sat Oct 20 05:18:31 2007 inscribed:

> > Hi All, 
> > I was wondering if anyone knows of a way to configure Emacs so that
> > when
> > you either <alt>+<tab> between windows or you 'hover' your cursor over
> > the top of an Emacs window in the taskbar you can get name of the file
> > to be produced instead of the more traditional
> > "emacs at localhost.localdomain" as it is on my machine.
> > 
> > This way when <alt>+<tab>'ing between multiple Emacs windows I am not
> > guessing as to which one I will end up on.

I don't know what the difference is, but my Emacs windows tell me the
buffer name and the host it's editing them on. Alt-Tab between windows
there is no problem.

Maybe this snippet from .emacs will help?

;; default to better frame titles
(setq frame-title-format
      (concat  "%b - emacs@" (system-name)))

> > Also, since doing my fresh install to F7 I have a "splash" screen of
> > sorts when I open up a text file with Emacs, in order to edit the file
> > I
> > need to enter <ctrl>+<l> and this displays the file on the screen.
> > Does
> > anyone know of a way to change this behaviour so Emacs goes straight
> > to
> > the file and bypasses the "splash" screen.

In your .emacs file in your home-dir, you should have a section
  ;; custom-set-variables was added by Custom.

If you to that add
  '(inhibit-splash-screen t)

You get the desired behaviour.

*Disclaimer* I don't run F8's emacs, I run the CVS build, as I can get
 'pretty' (read "easier on the eyes") fonts there.


Anders Karlsson <anders at trudheim.co.uk>
All-Round Linux Tinkerer & RHCE

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