fc6 nearing eol but f7 not useable yet (rant or feedback?)

Bill Davidsen davidsen at tmr.com
Sat Oct 27 01:02:16 UTC 2007

Robin Laing wrote:

> Basically I agree with you on most points.  As for changes to gnome, I 
> have seen that these are part of the upstream mess and I don't like 
> them.  Moved to KDE.

Tried KDE, used to use it in Slackware (2.2.kernels, IIRC). Prefer GNOME 
for the moment.
> My wife won't let me move her to F7 until it works well on the desktop. 
>  Until then FC4 on her laptop.

FC4 for my laptop as well, FC6 for one server. FC7 for my wife, with 
Seamonkey browser, my media machine is moving from FC7 to UbuntuStudio, 
the test version of FC8 does *not* thrill me.
> Hopefully F8 will be better and when the outside distros have her 
> needed/wanted software then I will upgrade the desktop and see if it 
> will work better than F7.

Bill Davidsen <davidsen at tmr.com>
   "We have more to fear from the bungling of the incompetent than from
the machinations of the wicked."  - from Slashdot

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