
Karl Larsen k5di at zianet.com
Sun Oct 28 21:59:31 UTC 2007

Les Mikesell wrote:
> Karl Larsen wrote:
>>>>     I was one who bought a new computer and until today could not tell
>>>> you had a particular nvitia video card.
>>> If I was going to buy a new computer and wanted to run Linux on it
>>> I would at least google for "<new computer> Linux"
>>> to see what problems I was likely to meet.
>>    I did. But it was the motherboard since the computer was a kit 
>> from a supplier. what I got was many web pages that were thrilled 
>> with how well it worked. And another thing you forget. At that time I 
>> was not aware that nvidia was bad. I had never even heard of it.
> Nvidia isn't 'bad' in any normal sense.  They just have not made 
> source code available for their drivers available under GPL terms as 
> some small fraction of users would like to demand.  It it the fact the 
> Linux will not provide a stable interface (so a working binary module 
> continues to work) and the fedora project's policy not to cooperate 
> with anyone with different terms than their own that make it difficult 
> to use the combination.  I'd guess that it's easier to change the OS 
> than a motherboard chip...
    Thanks Les. I realize that wanting Fedora to work even on computers 
that use nvidia video cards is a lost cause with Fedora. I put 
"linux,nvidia" in Goggle and I see all the other Linux brands are 
providing the binary in their kit.


	Karl F. Larsen, AKA K5DI
	Linux User
	#450462   http://counter.li.org.

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