
Andy Green andy at warmcat.com
Mon Oct 29 19:09:04 UTC 2007

Somebody in the thread at some point said:
> Andy Green wrote:
>> You never had a closed source driver with a bug in?  There's nothing for
>> you to do but make a bug report and wait.
> And that's what I would do with open source as well.  The difference is
> that closed source OS's rarely change their driver interfaces, so it
> would be extremely unusual for something that already works and I have
> put into production to suddenly fail due to an update.  In fedora, this
> has been a regular occurrence.

Don't really agree with that, I seem to recall a ton of security apps
blew up with XP SP2.  I notice that the argument forked there, suddenly
we're on the perennial LM stable ABI rant when what led to it was
options when faced with a buggy driver.

Good luck with the closed stuff.


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