yumex wedges upgrading kernel in /sbin/new-kernel-pkg & friends

Steve Siegfried sos at zjod.net
Fri Sep 7 05:47:26 UTC 2007


I'm looking for suggestions on this one....

Using yumex (yumex-2.0.1-1.fc6) to upgrade the following packages:
> 00:18:12 : Getting : http://mirrors.kernel.org/fedora/core/updates/6/i386/kernel-doc-
> 00:18:18 : Getting : http://mirrors.kernel.org/fedora/core/updates/6/i386/kernel-
> 00:18:57 : Getting : http://mirrors.kernel.org/fedora/core/updates/6/i386/kernel-devel-
> 00:19:08 : Getting : http://rpm.livna.org/fedora/6/i386/kmod-nvidia-legacy-1.0.7185-
> 00:19:14 : Getting : http://mirrors.kernel.org/fedora/core/updates/6/i386/kernel-headers-
> 00:19:16 : Checking GPG Signatures:
> 00:19:16 : Running Transaction Test
> 00:19:46 : Finished Transaction Test
> 00:19:46 : Transaction Test Succeeded
> 00:19:46 : --> Populating transaction set with selected packages. Please wait.
> 00:19:46 : ---> Package kernel-doc.noarch 0: set to be updated
> 00:19:46 : ---> Package kernel.i686 0: set to be installed
> 00:19:47 : ---> Package kernel-devel.i686 0: set to be installed
> 00:19:47 : ---> Package kmod-nvidia-legacy.i686 0:1.0.7185- set to be installed
> 00:19:47 : ---> Package kernel-headers.i386 0: set to be updated
> 00:19:47 : Running Transaction

While running the transaction, kernel.i686 0: wants to be installed first.
However, the install wedges with the following "ps ax --forest" output:
>   699 ?        S      0:09  \_ xterm -geometry 120x100+0+0 #64x64-54+130
>   750 pts/10   Ss     0:00  |   \_ -csh
> 24095 pts/10   S      0:00  |       \_ /bin/ksh /home/sos/bin/su
> 24097 pts/10   S      0:00  |           \_ /bin/su
> 24100 pts/10   S      0:00  |               \_ -csh
> 24133 pts/10   S+     0:00  |                   \_ yumex
> 24134 pts/10   S+     0:00  |                       \_ /usr/sbin/userhelper -w yumex
> 24137 pts/10   S+     0:00  |                           \_ /bin/bash /usr/share/yumex/yumex
> 24138 pts/10   Sl+    1:26  |                               \_ /usr/bin/python /usr/share/yumex/yumex.pyc
>  4879 pts/10   S+     0:00  |                                   \_ /bin/sh /var/tmp/rpm-tmp.59498 2
>  4883 pts/10   S+     0:00  |                                       \_ /bin/bash /sbin/new-kernel-pkg --package kernel --mkinitrd --depmod --install
>  4892 pts/10   S+     0:00  |                                           \_ /bin/bash --norc /sbin/mkinitrd --allow-missing -f /boot/initrd-
>  5083 pts/10   S+     0:00  |                                               \_ /bin/bash --norc /sbin/mkinitrd --allow-missing -f /boot/initrd-
>  5085 pts/10   D+     0:00  |                                                   \_ /sbin/nash --forcequiet

Once it hits this point, there's no forward progress and none of the pids listed above
clock any time.

If it matters: "rpm -V mkinitrd" and "rpm -V nash" both say nothing's munged.
 > SOS:sos=> rpm -q mkinitrd
 > mkinitrd-
 > SOS:sos=> rpm -V mkinitrd
 > SOS:sos=> rpm -q nash
 > nash-
 > SOS:sos=> rpm -V nash
 > SOS:sos=> 

Yeah.. I know it's trying to write the /boot/initrd- file, but why
is the process hanging?

Any help would be appreciated'idly,


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