Tape backup script

roland roland at cat.be
Tue Sep 11 10:22:45 UTC 2007

On Tue, 11 Sep 2007 10:14:14 +0200, Fajar Priyanto <fajarpri at arinet.org>  

> Hello all,
> I'm new in using tape backup.
> Do you have a suggestion/example on how to manage tape backup using bash
> script? So that then I can put the script in cronjob for scheduled  
> backup.
> Thanks you very much.

Make a script, p.e. backup.cron and put it somewhere
cd /
find etc -print >work
find usr -print >>work
find var -print >>work
find home -print >>work
cat work |sort| cpio -oBc >/dev/st0 && echo "backup succesfull";date
This could also be something like
find . -print |sort| cpio -oBc >/dev/st0 && echo "backup succesfull";date

put in crontab: (crontab -e)
05 07 * * 1-5 /usr/sbin/backup.cron >>/logfile.cron 2>&1

which will take the backup 5 min after 7 am
Roland Brouwers
C.A.T. bvba

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