& Publisher Documents

Kevin J. Cummings cummings at
Wed Apr 16 02:56:42 UTC 2008

Da Rock wrote:
> So you used a viewer for Windows then? Or Office?

Yes, I downloaded the Windows XP free 60-day trial version of MS
Publisher, and ran it in my Windows XP VMware session, which runs on my
laptop under FC6.  It has long since expired, but is still installed.

> They're absolute shits the way they do that. I have a 3rd party program
> (for Windows only) which uses pub files. It was a program put together
> from a non-profit organisation, which makes you think they would use a
> more open solution... Silly me! Now I have to find a way to convert the
> files to something else that everyone can read.

ns.  I was actually more annoyed at my relative who was capable of
sending me the .pub file, but was clueless as to how to have sent me a
PDF of it instead, after all, we were critiquing what he had done, not
modifying it.

Kevin J. Cummings
kjchome at
cummings at
cummings at
Registered Linux User #1232 (

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