F8 update kills KDE

max maximilianbianco at gmail.com
Sat Apr 19 01:52:02 UTC 2008

TNWestTex wrote:
> After being on vacation, I thought to catch up with the updates for F8. 
> Rebooting to the updated system and KDE is hosed.  The xserver starts and
> the initialization begins but drops back to the command console.  There seem
> to be two elements to the problem.  Something called PolicyKit is suddenly
> active and blocking access to some elements and there are missing .so files. 
> The messages are
> --------------
> W: polkit.c: Failed to show grant dialog: Unable to lookup exe for caller
> W: polkit.c: PolicyKit responded with 'auth_admin_keep_always'
> N: main.c: Called SUID root and real-time/high-priority scheduling was
> requested in the configuration. However, we lack the necessary priviliges:
> N: main.c: We are not in group 'pulse-rt' and PolicyKit refuse to grant us
> priviliges. Dropping SUID again.
> N: main.c: For enabling real-time scheduling please acquire the appropriate
> PolicyKit priviliges, or become a member of 'pulse-rt', or increase the
> RLIMIT_NICE/RLIMIT_RTPRIO resource limits for this user.
> xset:  bad font path element (#94), possible causes are:
>     Directory does not exist or has wrong permissions
>     Directory missing fonts.dir
>     Incorrect font server address or syntax
> startkde: Starting up...
> kbuildsycoca running...
> Reusing existing ksycoca
> kcminit_startup: error while loading shared libraries:
> libkdeinit_kcminit_startup.so: cannot open shared object file: No such file
> or directory
> ksmserver: error while loading shared libraries: libkdeinit_ksmserver.so:
> cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory
> startkde: Shutting down...
> klauncher: Exiting on signal 1
> ICE default IO error handler doing an exit(), pid = 17877, errno = 11
> startkde: Running shutdown scripts...
> startkde: Done.
> -----------------------
> Tried tweaking the group file and looked at man PolicyKit.conf to get the
> stanza for authorizing access to resources.  The same errors repeat.
> Why did PolicyKit come to the foreground?
> Where did the .so files go?
> Looks like a conspiracy as switchdesk gnome gets me to the graphical
> display.
> Robert McBroom
I wish I had something useful to offer here but I tried KDE on Fedora 
when I first loaded F7. Second class ctizen. It appears that is still 
the case. Perhaps the Fedora KDE lovers are not vocal enough...


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