How to cofigure the OPENVPN

Manuel Aróstegui manuel at
Tue Apr 22 13:38:29 UTC 2008

On Tue, 2008-04-22 at 13:00 +0000, G M wrote:
> Hola Manuel, primero de todo gracias por tu respuesta. Te comento,
> desde windows no hay ningún problema para levantar la VPN, así que
> damos por supuesto que el servidor está correcto, pero es cuando
> tratamos de levantar la conexión desde la máquina Linux cuando no hay
> tu tía. ¿Alguna sugerencia?
> Gracias!!!

First off, 
This is an English mailing list, so, despite I'm a spanish native speaker, you might want to keep
writing in english, cause all the emails are being stored, as you
probably already know, and they may be useful for someone else in a
future, so if you don't care, let's continue in english. I hope you'll

Regarding to your problem, it is good to know it's working fine, so you
can assume it's just a linux problem.

As I said in my previous email, are you sure your client.conf is fine?
All the options in there are right? Doing the command I sent earlier,
you should get a big output in your console, have you tried to take a
look carefully to it? Is there anything that might help?


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