Fedora Desktop future- RedHat moves

Andrew Kelly akelly at corisweb.org
Fri Apr 25 07:27:44 UTC 2008

On Thu, 2008-04-24 at 17:30 -0500, Les Mikesell wrote:
> Daniele Guazzoni wrote:


> > If suddenly RH decide to drop the workstation market don't you think 
> > that someone will pick up the challenge ? If you look back at the days 
> > RedHat Linux was for free there was only a handful developers and look 
> > at Fedora now !
> Yes, but... I still have a couple of machines running RH 7.3 that have 
> never crashed and one of which had a 4+ year uptime run.  I don't think 
> fedora is likely to match that.

Valhalla was great, wunnit? I'm retiring my last two production 7.3
boxes in just under 3 weeks. Incidentally, those are the last production
RH hosts I maintain. My opinion only, of course, but my point of view
was that was the last production-ready kit to come from RH without a
price tag. Psyche, as groovy as the name was, was a fiasco. The whole
psyche experience soured me on 9 as far as deployment was concerned. And
after that it was either write a check or deal with excessively short
EOL cycles. 
Not knocking Fedora here, so don't anybody knot their knickers; I still
use it as my personal desktop of choice. But the rest of the RH model
lost me as a "deploying customer". Although I have to admit that I've
never driven CentOS for a paycheck, and probably should amend that.

Sorry for babbling, there.

RH 7.3 was nice, I'm sorry to let it go.


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