So Long and Thanks for All the Fish

Alan Cox alan at
Sun Apr 27 22:49:32 UTC 2008

> * Related to the last, no simple caching software. The last I knew,
>   there was no RPM analog to the Debian apt-cacher. This caches deb

RPM doesn't need a specialist tool for this thankfully. Squid and similar
generic caching setups can handle it quite nicely. It is true we don't
have a package that does that setup in one go (or I've not found it

> * I prefer XFCE or similar lightweight desktops for these machines. I
>   can get XFCE with xubuntu. I see no Fedora analog.

Fedora includes xfce packages, they just aren't burned on the standard
CDs but are in the yum repository.

> * While I am glad to see the Fedora live CDs, they are klunky compared
>   to the Ubuntu/Knoppix/Finnix live CDs I have used. For one thing, on
>   shutdown those live CDs will eject the CD and wait for you to remove
>   them from the drive.

Useful feedback.. hope you get on well with Ubuntu


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