Program killed as soon as it starts to run

Reid Rivenburgh reidr at
Wed Apr 30 19:56:10 UTC 2008

2008/4/30 Mikkel L. Ellertson <mikkel at>:
> Paul Smith wrote:
> >
> > Thanks, Reid. Read that, but after having rebooted the computer and
> > with no program opened, I got the same problem. That is a fact that I
> > am using an old computer with not so much RAM.
> >
> > Paul
> >
> >
>  Dumb question - does this program require a lot of memory? Could the system
> run out of resources when you start the program so the system needs to kill
> it off in order to have enough resources to keep running?

I was kind of curious about that myself, so I re-ran it with no spec
file.  Here's its ps output:

  PID USER     PRI  NI  VIRT   RES   SHR S CPU% MEM%   TIME+  Command
  9704 reid      20   0 1724M   892   704 S  0.0  0.0  0:00.00 ./algencan

That 1724M looks a little scary.  (I have 4 GB here.)

I don't speak fortran too well, but the code does seem to allocate
some decently hefty amounts of memory, such as this:

      double precision nl(nmax),c(mmax),rho(mmax)

where mmax is 500000.  There must be others, too.  Maybe you don't
want to run this thing on your low memory machine...!


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