Two different users on the same machine

Paul Smith phhs80 at
Wed Aug 6 17:20:10 UTC 2008

2008/8/6 Zoltan Boszormenyi <zboszor at>:
>>>>>> I am running XFCE on F9, and I would like to know how to allow two
>>>>>> different users to login on my machine at the same time. On F8, I
>>>>>> remember a menu entry
>>>>>> System --> New Login
>>>>>> but I cannot find it on F9.
>>>>>> Any ideas?
>>>>>> Thanks in advance,
>>>>> I'm not sure I understand the problem... You have a user coming in (over
>>>>> network?) and they can't login? Or what?
>>>>> If you just wan't a session as another user, you use
>>>>> "xterm -e su - USER2" &
>>>> Thanks, Bill. Your suggestion of using the xterm command is a good
>>>> one, but how can one give to USER2 a graphical X session, for
>>>> instance, on CTRL+ALT+F8?
>>>> Paul
>>> I don't have the thread start, but I found this:  gdm-user-switch-applet
>>> yum install gdm-usr-switch-applet Add the applet to your gnome tool bar,
>>> it will allow you to let another log on and keep your up and running.
>> Oh, Oh. When I run: yum install gdm-usr-switch-applet
>> The response is it does not exist.
> It's gdm-user-switch-applet. (Note the missing 'e' in 'user'.)

Anything similar for KDM?


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