Project Stick In The Mud :-)

Russell Miller duskglow at
Sun Aug 10 01:43:06 UTC 2008

Arthur Pemberton wrote:
> I'm sorry to hear that... but I don't think PulseAudio has anything to
> do with drivers. As I understand it, it's more of an abstraction
> system so applications need not support, ALSA, OSS, etc.. just
> PulseAudio.
> But of course, if your hardware isn't being recognized by the kernel,
> PulseAudio is useless to you.
What gets me is that it's an integrated soundchip.  Usually those are 
pretty well supported, at least in basics.  Instead...  I just get 
nothing.  That reminds me, I need to go to Fry's and see if I can go get 
one that actually works.  Really sucks that the one that comes with it 


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