samba installed from scratch on fc9 doesn't work for me

Massimo Maiurana maiurana at
Wed Aug 27 20:07:53 UTC 2008

James Wilkinson, il 27/08/2008 21:16, scrisse:

> Try having one domain name (on Samba) = workgroup name (on Windows)
> across all your computers, but different names for each computer.

how can I set the domain name?
I did set the workgroup name in smb.conf to "GRECOELEVATORI", in 
/etc/hosts there is the line " barbara.grecoelevatori 
barbara localhost.localdomain localhost", in /etc/sysconfig/network 
I have "HOSTNAME=barbara.grecoelevatori", but pdbedit still says the 
domain is "BARBARA".
even win98 is configured with the correct workgroup, i.e. 

> Can you ping the Fedora server by name from the Windows 98 computer?

I don't remember if I tried it, I will when I'll be back in office.

> Hope this helps,

thanks :)

       Massimo Maiurana         massimo<at>       GPG keyID #7044D601

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