Some people mis interpret Fedora's Mission Statement.

Les Mikesell lesmikesell at
Sun Dec 7 22:11:38 UTC 2008

Arthur Pemberton wrote:

>>> Thus, we are able to use the Fedora Project and the
>>> communities as proving grounds and virtual
>>> laboratories for new technology that we can draw upon for
>>> inclusion in our enterprise technologies. Additionally, the
>>> open and transparent nature of these projects provides our
>>> clients and potential clients with access and insights to
>>> the direction of these projects. "
>> a) The question about how much money Redhat spends on Fedora is
>> irrelevant.  Redhat needs Fedora.   Redhat didn't decide to support
>> Fedora out of the goodness of their hearts.  Fedora users are Redhat's
>> key to innovation.
>> b) The above quote doesn't say anything about the intended software
>> quality in the Fedora project.  All it says is that its a test bed.
>> That doesn't mean its a testbed of beta software.  As a matter of fact,
>> how can you gauge the usefulness of a piece of software if its beta
>> quality ?
> Seriously? Am I just misreading? I don't see it defined as a test bed there.

How does 'proving ground' and 'laboratory' differ substantially from 
'test bed'?

    Les Mikesell
     lesmikesell at

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