newbie question: Installing and loading ath5k drivers

Robert Moskowitz rgm at
Mon Dec 8 12:56:28 UTC 2008

madans wrote:
> Hello Everyone,
> I just installed Fedora 10 on my computer (HP a1520e). I have a wireless card in my system (Based on the Ar5413 chipset). 
> To enable the wireless card, i installed the ath5k drivers. The wireless card worked perfectly after installing the drivers. 

What did you install for the ath5k drivers?

> However, whenever I switch users, or reboot my system, i loose all wireless connectivity. I need to go back to the source and run "sudo make load" in order to load the wireless modules.

Try 'service network restart'.

> Is there any way to make the ath5k modules load at boot time?

Check /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-* and see what is the name of 
your interface is (e.g. eth1, or wlan0, or ath0). Check that there is a 
line: 'ONBOOT=yes' in it.

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