What are these F-10 boot slides?

Bill Davidsen davidsen at tmr.com
Tue Dec 16 19:45:48 UTC 2008

John Brier wrote:

> I think you are correct. Since plymouth needs kernel mode setting to 
> work properly(without vesafb) it only works out of the box with those 
> devices. However plymouth can work with most graphics if you select 
> vesafb by using the vga= boot parameter. That's how I read that anyway.
> I can tell you though that vga=0x318 works here on a nvidia graphics 
> card and a 19" LCD with natie resolution 1280x1024.. also 0x31B is the 
> proper resolution
I have a system with an ATI Radeon RV535 (lspci attached) which doesn't seem to 
want to use all its modes. In particular it won't do 1280x1024x24, but will do 
0x324 (1280x1024x32), and X refuses to offer me a mode larger than 1024x768! 
With vga= I get a nice startup display, four penguins, then into X in 1024x768. 
Try to configure the display with GUI, asks for root, display type 
CRT-1280x1024, modes end at 1024x768. FC9 or FC10 just don't seem to have a clue 
on this display stuff, I wind up with vesafb, there's a top performer, NOT!

FC8 had a much better idea on this hardware, and I wish a little less effort had 
gone into the fancy graphical boot stuff and a little more into using all the 
capability of the hardware.

Bill Davidsen <davidsen at tmr.com>
   "We have more to fear from the bungling of the incompetent than from
the machinations of the wicked."  - from Slashdot
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