changing 'hosts' to get my machine name ?

William Case billlinux at
Mon Dec 22 05:27:12 UTC 2008


This is an old stupid question but I am stuck nonetheless.  I have
googled for several different ways but none work.

I have changed my /etc/hosts file to: 	CASE localhost.localdomain localhost

This is the same as from my F9 /etc backup.

CASE is the name of my machine.  None of my programs seems to recognize
it except 'hostname' -s or -f.  The same problem with
localhost.localdomain.  I have changed it manually before in earlier
Fedora versions but now nothing seems to work.  If I remember correctly
there where two files that needed changing.

I just installed F10 and must have missed Anaconda asking for my machine

Regards Bill
Fedora 10, Gnome 2.24.2
Evo.2.24.2, Emacs 22.2.1

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