Kickstart Installation using Existing LVM Logical Volume

Chris Rouch chris.rouch at
Thu Feb 7 12:02:48 UTC 2008

On 1/30/08, S P Arif Sahari Wibowo <arifsaha at> wrote:
> Hi!
>  I am working on a Fedora 8 kickstart installation that should
>  use existing LVM logical volume as home partition. However, it
>  keep failing with an error like this:
>  > Could not allocate requested partitions:
>  >
>  > Adding this partition would not leave enough disk space
>  > for already allocated logical volumes in 2008AF_data..
>  >
>  > Press 'OK' to exit the installer.
>         * 2008AF_data is the name of volume group
>  The kickstart code dealing with partition is quoted below:
>  clearpart --all --drives=sda
>  part /boot --fstype ext3 --size=128
>  part pv.1 --size=1536 --grow --ondisk=sda
>  volgroup 2008A6_work pv.1
>  logvol swap --fstype swap --name=2008A6_swap --vgname=2008A6_work --size=512
>  logvol /var --fstype ext3 --name=2008A6_var --vgname=2008A6_work --size=512
>  logvol / --fstype ext3 --name=2008A6_root --vgname=2008A6_work --size=3904
>  part pv.2 --noformat --onpart sdb1
>  volgroup 2008AF_data pv.2 --noformat --useexisting
>  logvol /home --noformat --useexisting --name=2008AF_home --vgname=2008AF_data --fstype ext3
>         * 2008AF_home is the name of logical volume to be reused
>  I already tried without --useexisting, with estimated size (not
>  accurate, but I added --grow), without --fstype, etc. same
>  error.
>  Any idea what's wrong?

For starters, you're using "clearpart --all" which will erase all your
existing partitions. I think your part pv.1 should use --onpart rather
than --ondisk and you might need --useexisting on the volgroup line.

For reference here is a disk layout I've successfully used to put
everything onto existing lvm partitions:

clearpart --none
part /boot   --fstype ext3  --onpart=/dev/sda2
part pv.01 --onpart=/dev/sda5
volgroup privg pv.01 --useexisting
logvol /          --fstype ext3 --useexisting --name=priroot
--vgname=privg --grow --size=6000
logvol /var       --fstype ext3 --useexisting --name=privar
--vgname=privg --size=1024
logvol swap       --fstype swap --useexisting --name=priswap
--vgname=privg --size=1024



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