Impressions so far with FC 8 and Kubuntu Gutsy

Tom Horsley tom.horsley at
Fri Feb 8 02:40:25 UTC 2008

On Thu, 07 Feb 2008 19:43:18 -0500
Terry - Fedora Core <fastsnip-fedora at> wrote:

> That saves me hours and days and a lot of frustration when I get a message that such and such file is missing. What file? Where is it? What package is it in?

Yea, we've been fooling with ubuntu and debian at work, and more often
than not, when I find something missing from the minimal network
install, I go over to a fedora system, find out what rpm it came from
there, then search for packages with similar names using the synaptic
tool on ubuntu (which is a whole other problem with ubuntu - there
is an easy to find Add/Remove programs menu entry which seems to run
some absolutely worthless app that can't find anything you might
want to install - meanwhile buried over in the administration menu
is a cryptic entry for "Synaptic" which is actually the useful tool,
but there is no real way to tell that :-).

> Other than the way that SELinux seems to have messed up things until I set it to "permissive mode"

My cardinal rule is disable selinux completely during the install when
it asks then, just to be sure, edit /boot/grub/grub.conf and add
a selinux=0 kernel parameter :-).

> I spent a lot of money to get a really good h/w video, the NVidia GeForce 8600 with lots of MB of onboard cache. Under Kubuntu I  used apt to download and install the NVidia proprietary 3D drivers. I was informed of this right from the get-go after installation and even assisted with a taskbar icon for the proprietary driver and informed of it's proprietary nature.

Yea, livna and atrpms and similar repos make it easy to install drivers
on fedora, but discovering that such repos exist is purely a matter of
accident, nothing a novice user sees is likely to lead to them. If you
happen to read the mailing lists and happen to see references to "livna"
and happen to get curious about what a "livna" is and happen to search
for it on google, then you discover this useful resource, otherwise you
just fume about what a pain video drivers are :-).

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