
Andrea Mastellone andrea.mastellone at fastwebnet.it
Thu Feb 14 09:25:55 UTC 2008

François Patte wrote:
> I think that this should *not* be the default unless everything x86_64
> and i386 will work in the same way. This is now far from being achieved:
> you cannot have all plugins or extensions working in firefox 64bits and
> it is better to install i386 versions.
> The worse situation is for video (vlc, xine,....) there are a lot of
> conflicts between libraries if you install 64bits versions of some
> softwares using the same libraries...


you are absolutely right. In facts, I have just removed all ?86 packages 
in a 64 bit system (Fedora 8).

I cannot use no more the following applications (due to the dependence 
on 32 bit libraries):

- flash plugin from Adobe (workaround: gnash but it works at 40% , not 
with youtube :( )

- Adobe Reader (not big problem due to evince)

- WMWare Player/Workstation with a 32 bit guest operating system (this 
is a bit serious shortcoming)

- Skype (ops ! :( )

So, one should consider, before removing 32bit packages, if possible to 
work without these softwares.

Now, the question: what is the *minimum* number of the ?86 libraries one 
should install to get them working again ? :)



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