Gnome/X window open delay question

Mike Chambers mike at
Fri Feb 15 16:53:30 UTC 2008

On Fri, 2008-02-15 at 11:39 -0500, Mark C. Allman wrote:
> I use my laptop (Dell XPS 1710, running F8) at different sites, hooking
> in to various networks.  So, for example:
> 1.  I'll boot my laptop at home and connect to my wireless network
>     there, then hibernate when I pack up to head to a client site.
> 2.  I'll resume at a client site, bring up (for example) a wireless
>     connection, and resume working.
> When I open an app like gedit, if I'm on the network where I booted the
> system then the window opens right away, but if I'm using another
> network the window opens but takes about 25 to 30 seconds.  DISPLAY is
> set to ":0.0."  

DNS issue maybe going from one network to another?  Maybe slow
initially, then faster as it caches or gets rid of the older cached dns
stuff and takes on new updated one?  Is network stuff slow, such as a
ping or anything initially as well?

Mike Chambers
Madisonville, KY

"The best lil town on Earth!"

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