Yum packages (again)

Bill Davidsen davidsen at tmr.com
Wed Feb 27 22:10:13 UTC 2008

Da Rock wrote:
> Ok, I know a little of this has been covered before, but I have some new
> info after some exhaustive debugging.
> After the feedback regarding the repo conflicts, I decided to resolve
> this once and for all. I uninstalled all mplayer, x264 and xine
> packages, and reinstalled only the livna versions.
> This produced mixed results. Firstly, Yum reported the packages
> installed. When you go back and check what is installed (version, etc)
> it stated that the freshrpms versions were installed- but only some. So
> I ended up with some livna and some freshrpms, despite the fact that I
> selected only livna packages to be installed.
> So I uninstalled it all again. This time I went to the livna site and
> downloaded and installed them manually. Now it came up and said
> installed, but some codecs weren't installing due to a missing
> libx264.so.56. I checked again what was installed and what provided
> x264- livna was installed.
> This seemed very confusing to me, so I physically checked the contents
> of the rpm. The livna package did contain the library file
> libx264.so.56- so why didn't the livna package repo recognise its own
> files?
> I also checked the freshrpms version, and this contained libx264.so.58.
> Technically then, Yum shouldn't be declaring that libx264.so.56 is
> contained in the freshrpms file, and the 2 versions shouldn't conflict,
> should they?
> So I put it to all- what the hell is going on here? Neither repo appears
> to be able to declare what the packages ACTUALLY provide, and Yum is
> getting very confused. So who's fault is it? Where does the
> responsibility lie?
With you. Once you have used a non-fedora repository you have assumed 
responsibility for determining compatibility and resolving all 
conflicts. Once you start using more than one you you have assumed 
responsibility for those conflicts as well. The fault is yours.

The solution is to put both repositories in as disables in the config, 
then use --enablerepo on one or the other. I don't suggest mixing them, 
I'm still trying to sort a problem I caused myself using only livna, 
something used by pine isn't right and I can't find out what to get it 
out and clean it up. Fortunately it's not critical on that system.

I understand your problem, but you should understand it's YOUR problem, 
you caused it, the responsibility lies with you. And for my broken 
machine, with me.

Bill Davidsen <davidsen at tmr.com>
   "We have more to fear from the bungling of the incompetent than from
the machinations of the wicked."  - from Slashdot

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