Disabling Pango in Firefox

Robert Nichols rnicholsNOSPAM at comcast.net
Wed Jan 9 03:27:22 UTC 2008

wwp wrote:
> I didn't really noticed a difference, but maybe I'd need a "proper"
> test to see the impact on performances (according to my system speed).
> Just curious, what is supposed to do MOZ_DISABLE_PANGO=1 exactly, or
> same question w/ MOZ_DISABLE_PANGO=0 :-)? Is this just towards speed or
> is there an impact on any feature or visual impact?

I found I had to leave PANGO enabled or some pages wouldn't display
properly.  IIRC, centered text would just pile all the characters on
top of each other in the center of the line.  In the more distant past
I had to _disable_ PANGO or the browser would lock up on some pages.
So, I just use whatever works.

Bob Nichols     "NOSPAM" is really part of my email address.
                 Do NOT delete it.

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