LDAP be killing me. I need a good step by step

Les Mikesell lesmikesell at gmail.com
Wed Jan 9 23:57:29 UTC 2008

Chris wrote:
> I have not really followed the thread - but to cut to the chase (for me
> at least) is your ldap server working as in; Windows AD is doing a one
> way sync to your ldap server?

I don't think you can do that with the openldap shipped with the disto, 
but it is possible with Fedora Directory Server.

> To me - this is the most important piece of the puzzle. I have tried
> about a year ago to setup an OS ldap server in our AD domain, but was
> never able to either find docs on the above, or figure it out.
> I tallied it up to the fact that I'm too new to Linux to have gotten it
> to work - then again, many users I come across have wanted to do what I
> want to do - simply, have AD do a one way sync to my ldap server,
> period.
> Thoughts?

There is a simpler but less functional way to use AD or windows domain 
passwords.  Just enable 'smb' authentication and configure the domain as 
the 'workgroup' and provide the server(s) to check.   You still need to 
add users to your Linux box(es) but you don't have to set up or maintain 

   Les Mikesell
     lesmikesell at gmail.com

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