Wireless/NetworkManager problem?

Knute Johnson knute at frazmtn.com
Wed Jan 16 22:02:22 UTC 2008

When I start my laptop I get the "Secret required by wireless 
network" dialog.  I enter the password and click the "Connect" button 
and I get a message flag that says "Disconnected."  If I try to 
connect again I get the same thing one more time.  After that I have 
to click the NetworkManager applet and select my wireless.  Then it 
does the same thing again.  If I log out and log back in though I get 
the "Unlogk Keyring" dialog. I enter the key and it connects up just 

This only happens on my laptop and not on my desktop.  Both computers 
have F8 i386 installed.  Both are up to date.

Any ideas?



Knute Johnson
Molon Labe...

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