Wireless/NetworkManager problem?

Alan alan at clueserver.org
Wed Jan 16 22:25:15 UTC 2008

>>> When I start my laptop I get the "Secret required by wireless
>>> network" dialog.  I enter the password and click the "Connect" button
>>> and I get a message flag that says "Disconnected."  If I try to
>>> connect again I get the same thing one more time.  After that I have
>>> to click the NetworkManager applet and select my wireless.  Then it
>>> does the same thing again.  If I log out and log back in though I get
>>> the "Unlogk Keyring" dialog. I enter the key and it connects up just
>>> fine.
>>> This only happens on my laptop and not on my desktop.  Both computers
>>> have F8 i386 installed.  Both are up to date.
>>> Any ideas?
>>What wireless card/driver are you using?  If it is the "b43" driver, you
>>need to get the next kernel. (2.6.23-12-99 or somesuch.)  It fixes
>>problems with the b43 driver.
> Alan:
> Thanks for the response.  I discovered that it is related to XFCE and
> not just the laptop.  I posted this revision with modified subject;
> "I had a thought and tried it using Gnome and it works fine.  So the
> problem is not with my laptop but with XFCE.  If I start cold or
> restart with XFCE as the desktop I have the problem in both of my
> computers.  If I use Gnome it doesn't do it."
> I have the latest kernel and the problem occurs with 3 different
> chipset wireless adapters.  So the fact that one of them is bcm43 is
> probably not this problem.

b43 is just plain bjorken.  The latest kernel set fixes the problem.  (I
have been running it for the past hour and it has not barfed. That is
about 50 minutes more than the last driver.)  Hopefully the fixed version
will get pushed out soon.  I pulled mine out of Koji's test builds.

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