Wake On LAN on Fedora 7?

Adalbert Prokop adalbert.prokop at gmx.de
Thu Jan 17 20:58:12 UTC 2008

Chris Snook wrote on Thursday 17 January 2008:

> The correct way to do enable WOL is to add the following to
> /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-eth0:
> ETHTOOL_OPTS="wol g"

It would not work for me, because ETHTOOL_OPTS is only honored in ifup-eth 
script, not in ifdown-*. Once my NIC is *down* it ignores any packet sent 
to it. The only way (for me) to have WOL is to create a halt.local script 
as I described before. It also does not require any initscript 
modifications which could be lost after an update. :)


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