How do i use gnome-keyring without a password prompt? (not gdm pam)

Mark markg85 at
Sat Jan 19 22:01:09 UTC 2008

> > Well i'm the only user on this machine and i simply don't want to get
> > prompted for a keyring password and i find it close to useless to have
> > a password for it anyway.
> >
> > I simply don't want to get prompted about any password prompts other
> > than the login one and the root password. all other password prompts
> > (as far as i can think of) are pointless.
> >
> > In my case the keyring-manager is only being used for NetworkManager
> > to make a wireless network connection.
> I understand not wanting to be prompted.  The fact that this hasn't been
> fixed (and is a regression from pam_keyring in F7) is a minor annoyance,
> but I agree it's an annoyance.
> But that's different from not wanting a password at all.  Most GNOME
> apps that manage passwords (e.g., Evolution) seem to be moving to using
> the keyring.  When more valuable keys are saved there, it doesn't seem
> unreasonable to protect them even on a machine that you think is fairly
> secure.

I agree that the usage of a "keyring" can be handy at times but the
password manager (gnome keyring) should have the option to just work
without a password prompt at all!

Lets take windows as a example in this case. when i make a wireless
connection the first time i have to fill in a password for that
connection (assuming it's password protected) but when i
reboot/disconnect/whatever so that it needs to connect again it's not
asking for the password at all and just connects. That behavior is
what i would like gnome-keyring to have as well.

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