Passing password in ssh

Mikkel L. Ellertson mikkel at
Wed Jan 23 22:36:05 UTC 2008

Aldo Foot wrote:
> Controlling access to the media storing the keys and accounts is of my 
> greatest concern in particular if the system is located in some other city and 
> someone else admins the machine.
> Maybe I'm too paranoid.
If the remote machine must access you machine, then set it up so the 
key runs one command on the local machine. If you don't trust the 
administrator on the remote machine, then a pass phrase on the key 
does not help, unless the administrator does not have the pass 
phrase. You would probably be better off having the key on some type 
of media you bring with you.

Now, if this were interactive access, then it would be different. 
But if you have to pass the pass phrase as part of a script, or read 
it from a file, then the only advantage is that the cracker has to 
grab an extra file or two. Now, if you can arrange things so that 
you do not need root access on the remote machine, then you can 
create a user specifically for the access, and limit the access. If 
you have to allow automated remote access, then there is no way to 
make it totally safe. But you can limit the damage that can be done.


   Do not meddle in the affairs of dragons,
for thou art crunchy and taste good with Ketchup!

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