Non-technical motives for technical work (was:Re: F8 is a problem)

Ric Moore wayward4now at
Thu Jan 24 17:41:35 UTC 2008

On Tue, 2008-01-22 at 05:38 -0500, Lamar Owen wrote:
> I use an F7 DAW weekly 
> in production of a radio broadcast; I just have started using F8 on my laptop 
> with a Plantronics USB headset for doing the same.  
> There are quite serious issues trying to do it on F8 (to be fair, consumer 
> sound cards are horrible, and the Intel HDA in both machines stutters like 
> crazy when using JACK apps, which is why I use the Plantronics headset on the 
> laptop, and an Echo Layla on the desktop); the biggest is that, when I master 
> the final CD audio file with JAMin (PlanetCCRMA's package of it), I can hear 
> the audio only when JAMin is bypassed; if it's in the loop I hear no sound, 
> but when exporting through it from Ardour, the exported wave file is fine.
> This works on F7, but not F8.  I haven't had time to file a useful bug report; 
> I have a JAMin setup that I did on the F7 box that produces the processing I 
> need already, so I process 'deaf' (I actually had written 'blind' but decided 
> in this context 'deaf' was more accurate!) but then listen to the resulting 
> audio with Audacity after stopping JACK.  I would love to see Audacity's JACK 
> support work right, but it doesn't seem to be getting much priority with the 
> audacity developers.
> Also, I get more dropouts (xruns) on F8 than on F7, but since the two machines 
> are not directly comparable (and since my laptop is highly unstable with the 
> RT kernel) I don't think this is an F8 problem.  After I upgrade the F7 
> desktop to F8 (yes, I am going to do this, since I do know that I can get the 
> production done on my F8 laptop, and I do actually enjoy tinkering enough 
> that I run this bleeding edge stuff; if I wanted a stable Linux DAW I'd shell 
> out the clams for Fervent's Studio to Go! product) I may revise my opinion.

Lamar, what I would REALLY love to see is a "glossary" of terms and
applications that covers what is available to Linux in terms of audio
"stuff". Something for the half-wit in all of us that would like to
understand what does what to whom, within the audio/music realm
available to us. I've never understood the "Jack" concept other than it
is another layer of the audio process. What it does, why I would choose
it or parts of it, is beyond me. Sure, been to the site, but I just
don't grok what I'm reading there. Plain English would be really good. 

Imagine I'm trying to teach basic Linux and want to demo musical
applications (while disguising the fact that I'm a complete doof) to a
crowd of teen-aged wanna be hip hoppers already into minor criminal
acts. <grins> The carrot; no recording anything until (the stick) the
student has learned to do the recording and mixing first with some
measurable understanding of the process, which the teacher covertly
needs to possess as well! Thanks, Ric
My father, Victor Moore (Vic) used to say:
"There are two Great Sins in the world...
..the Sin of Ignorance, and the Sin of Stupidity.
Only the former may be overcome." R.I.P. Dad.
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