Maintaining a local yum repository

Mike mike.cloaked at
Sun Jan 27 16:38:02 UTC 2008

macgyver <macgyver <at>> writes:

> are clearing it out - so might be worth updating one machine first, then
> running the following on the other two "client" machines 
> rsync -av <firsthost>:/var/cache/yum/ /var/cache/yum/

I have been using the following script from my main machine that I do 
main yum updates from, to push the update rpms to the other machines:

# rsync yum update packages to other machines
#Mike 13th July 06

if [ -z "$1" ]; then
# default client defined above

list="fedora updates updates-testing livna"

for i in $list
echo Copying $i packages to $DEST_MACHINE...
rsync -av -e ssh /var/cache/yum/$i/packages/*

echo Copying $i headers to $DEST_MACHINE...
rsync -av -e ssh /var/cache/yum/$i/headers/*
rsync -av -e ssh /var/cache/yum/$i/headers/*

echo Done
  exit 0

This can easily be modified for your situation...
Note that the rsync lines run over two lines above - make them into single
lines. Hope this helps.

The way I use this script is to run it from the machine where I first run
updates, and then push the rpms to the other machines - the meta data are
not copied but could easily be added to the script. Then just do a yum update
on the machine which has the new rpms. It is easy to do the main update in
a cron job and then run this script in another cron job a while later.
Other machines can then run their yum updates in later cron jobs if you want
to automate the process.

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