How do I make use of SSH_ASKPASS?

Mikkel L. Ellertson mikkel at
Sun Jan 27 16:55:19 UTC 2008

Colin Paul Adams wrote:
> I do have a public key - but it's use is protected with a pass phrase.
> It is that that /usr/libexec/openssh/gnome-ssh-askpass is supposed to
> prompt for, but it is not being invoked.

gnome-ssh-askpass is just a GUI to ask for the password. It does not 
remember anything. It is not limited to asking for passwords for 
ssh. I use it to ask for the password for an encrypted directory.

What you need is ssh-agent and ssh-add, or the gnome equivalents. I 
know gnome loads ssh-agent when it starts. So it sounds like what 
you need is the gnome equivalent of ssh-add.


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