SOLVED - sort of Re: Can anyone explain the delay when switching from X to console

stan goedigi89__e at
Mon Jan 28 19:33:22 UTC 2008

David Timms wrote:
> stan wrote:
>> It used to be (years ago) that the switch from X to a console would 
>> be almost instantaneous.  Over the years, it just seems to keep 
>> getting longer and longer.
>>  Can anyone explain this, and is there an adjustment to speed it up.
> Maybe you are using different vga and video modes/resolutions than in 
> your earlier test {that are less common and scanned for later}, or a 
> different monitor.
> Some monitors seem to change quickly into power save mode, and then 
> take some time until they can show an image again {especially
> For my nvidia fx5600 and dell 1024x768M LCD using nv driver:
> To VT takes less than two seconds.
> To X takes less than 1 second.
> <speculation>
> I have noted in the lists continued work on X and auto DPMS/edid etc 
> monitor improvements. This might mean that the monitor detection is 
> performed at every change {on your pc/card/monitor}, whereas before a 
> hard written mode line was in the conf file.
> </speculation>
> DaveT.
I hadn't rebooted for a few weeks.  In the mean time I had run lots of X 
programs and many console programs.  When I rebooted, the behavior is 
similar to the behavior you describe above, and in comparison with the 
previous behavior could be described as 'crisp'.  I suspect something 
has a memory leak, and cruft is building up over time.

Thanks everyone for the responses.

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