Newbie Warnng! : Fedora Core Offline Updates

Anders Karlsson anders at
Wed Jul 16 06:24:35 UTC 2008

* Robert Bernabe <rbernabe at> [20080716 07:58]:
> Hi all,
>   Many thanks in advance.  We are investigating Fedora Core right now  
> and one of the concerns is that the FC system will not be connected (or  
> allowed to connect to the internet). All updates will have to be done  
> offline. Is there a central place to check for updates to download for  
> offline installation? Is there a compiled tar file for this anywhere?   
> We are trying to google right now and just thought to ask...if the  
> answer here is RTFM then I'm sorry.

You may be able to rsync just the part of the repos you need, and then
keep a local copy of that.

Here's two URL's I found (not read them in-depth) that seems relevant
to what you want to do.

It's a start, and should give you an idea at least.

Anders Karlsson <anders at>
All-Round Linux Tinkerer & RHCE

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