Script to create desktop icons?

David Timms dtimms at
Wed Jul 16 14:13:06 UTC 2008

Arch Willingham wrote:
> Is there a way to write a script to create desktop icons? Right now,
> I have to manually create desktop icons that "launchers" script
> files, executables, etc. I'd love to be able to do that with a script
> file. The same holds true for icons that you can put on the top bar
> in Gnome via right clicking on a menu item and picking "Add this
> launcher to the  panel".

eg from an rpm spec:

desktop-file-install --vendor fedora \
     --dir %{buildroot}%{_datadir}/applications %{SOURCE2}

nautilus shows a .desktop file with the icon that it mentions, and 
doesn't show the actual extension.
gedit one to see an example
they can be copied where you want eg desktop


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