Fedora 9 and VMWare Server

Michael Eager eager at eagercon.com
Sun Jul 20 02:09:49 UTC 2008

Kevin J. Cummings wrote:
> Mike Burger wrote:
>>> Has anyone been able to get VMWare Server running on F9?
>>> I've installed VMWare Server from the rpm, run the config
>>> script and everything seems to be installed correctly.
>>> When I try to connect to the web management server, it
>>> tells me that the server is not responding.
>> Noting that I've not worked, yet, with VMWare, at all, I still think the
>> question needs to be asked:
>> Did you start the VMWare server processes?
> An easier question (based on how VMWare is packaged) is did you run the 
> vmware-config.pl script that comes with the RPM?  It will shutdown any 
> running services, and compile the necessary kernel modules for your 
> running kernel (if you haven't made them already, and, no, just 
> installing the RPM does not do this), and then start them up again.

Thanks, all.

I had run the vmware-config program and started the server, but
I decided to try restarting the server.  It complained that I needed
to run vmware-config again, so I did.  It built all modules without
error and started all of the VMware services.

One thing which looks odd is that when the vmware-config script
starts VMware Services, that the line "VMware Virtual Infrastructure
Web Access" doesn't have either [OK] or [FAILED] after it.

> After that (if it was successful), you should be able to connect to the 
> server.

No such luck.  Starting the browser and pointing to localhost:
gives me a VI Web Access dialog (as before), but entering in
the admin user/password results in a complaint that the server
is not responding, and suggests that I check that the server is
running and accepting connections.

The following processes are running:

If I go to https://localhost:902, I get the following line:
   220 Vmware Authentication Daemon Version 1.10; SSL Required,
   ServerDaemonProtocol:SOAP, MKSDisplayProtocol:VNC , VMXARGS supported

I'll try following Chris' pointer to HowToForge, but if any
of this looks hinky, please let me know.

Michael Eager	 eager at eagercon.com
1960 Park Blvd., Palo Alto, CA 94306  650-325-8077

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