DNS Attacks

James Kosin jkosin at beta.intcomgrp.com
Fri Jul 25 17:47:51 UTC 2008

Les Mikesell wrote:
> bruce wrote:
>> As I understand the issue. The issue is one of being able to poison 
>> the DNS
>> app on the DNS server. There's not really much the casual user can do, 
>> aside
>> from switching to another DNS/IP address that's safe. But the rub is, 
>> do you
>> really know if the DNS/IP you're switching to is safe!
> If you are really paranoid (or about to do large transactions on what 
> you hope is your banking site), you could do a 'whois' lookup for the 
> target domain to find their own name servers and send a query directly 
> there for the target site.
>> The best approach, would probably be a system to allow you to poll a 
>> few DNS
>> servers, and to take the returned ip address that comes back from the 
>> most
>> of them as the "correct" ip address!! but this isn't implemented 
>> anywhere as
>> far as i know....
> dig @dns_server target_name
> will send a query to a specified DNS resolver.  Most public-facing 
> servers will only resolve the names of their own zones, especially now. 
>  I think the current vulnerability only involves cached addresses for 
> which the server is not primary or secondary.
BUT, here is the really BAD news:
a)  99.9% of the internet is really a cached service.  The only true DNS 
entries are on the name servers that originated the DNS entry.  This is 
why when you put up a new domain they suggest waiting about 3-4 days for 
the internet to propagate the DNS names.  The information trickles down 
the DNS servers until everyone has the corrected information or update.

b)  If the DNS is corrupted you can't rely on the DNS resolver to be 
pointing to the correct IP.!!  You could be digging on the phishing site 
and they would be reporting false and bad information to you so they can 
scam you of your passwords and/or money.

James Kosin

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