that old GNU/Linux argument

Björn Persson listor3.rombobeorn at
Mon Jul 28 11:04:53 UTC 2008

måndagen den 28 juli 2008 skrev Antonio Olivares:
> > If the cow is completely free in the same sense as in the
> > GPL, then it
> > can't have been given as a gift,
> Why can't it be given as a gift,

Because it can't be moved. If the cow is free in the sense of the GPL, then it 
is information, because matter can't be free in this sense. Giving a gift 
means to remove an object from your possession and move it to another's 
possession, and information can't be moved.

> > for gift amounts to
> > ownership, which
> > is slavery rather than freedom.
> Yes you are a slave of the GPL,

So now the cow suddenly owns you? What an odd idea of a gift!

> The neighbor only put one cow under the GPL license and he gave it to you. 

You mean he erased his cow after he gave you a copy? Why did he do that?

Björn Persson

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