that old GNU/Linux argument

Antonio Olivares olivares14031 at
Tue Jul 29 02:45:31 UTC 2008

> > [olivares at localhost ~]$ uname -o
> > GNU/Linux
> > That should be enough.
> Enough for what?
To send this thread to where it belong ==> /dev/null.  Is it not that what you want?  or do you still want more than that?  It is hard coded into the system ==> GNU/Linux.  But you have confirmed that the system is "not pure" 

I am sorry for arguing here back and forth.  I appreciate what you are trying to do, *in a good way*, but I simply do not fully agree with you in the naming of the Linux Operating system ==> GNU/Linux.  It has been argued many times, yet it proves nothing.  You will not win the argument.  You can get more people to your side, but whatever you earn you loose back.  Why?
Because you insult Fedora.  You get the Free Software definitions from Fedora Project and define some distributions to be Free and you do not include Fedora, which is mostly free and others that have questionable stuff still make the grade.  



> -- 


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