openoffice command line printing...

Kevin Martin kevintm at
Thu Jun 5 14:52:08 UTC 2008

Ok, so it was actually "openoffice converting files to pdf..." but what the heck.

And I've got it working.  Finally found a macro that would do most of the work and I tweaked it to be "smart" about the conversion 
process.  So now it works.  If anybody wants the macro, I'll send them the macro file.  Basically what I do is 'soffice -invisible 
"macro:///......FileToPDF(/<pathtofile>)"' and, based on the extension of the file (.doc, .xls, .ppt) the macro calls the necessary 
oo function to do the conversion and save the pdf file back to the same directory as the original file.  FWIW, there was no need to 
setup a dummy X server since I'm running an X server anyway.



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