Ripping music CDs - program that is good with multiple optical drives

Marland V. Pittman marland at
Thu Jun 12 18:36:12 UTC 2008

Marland V. Pittman wrote:
> Hello Fedora Users I need some suggestions for ripping CDs.
I only got a short session in last night. My toddlers were clingy, and 
we had to make a run to the grocery.

I took three CDs... my Kanye West discs. I loaded up my Fedora Install, 
which was hosed up from an kmod-nvidia yum install for some reason... 
getting rid of that let me try a few installations. I had three drives 
in my box at the time. 64-bit Fedora with updates. Gnome Desktop. 
Default apps installed.

I tried Banshee, since it just went 1-dot-oh. Great experience. I'll 
probably go with it. (yum install banshee went well). It didn't find 
album info for one of the discs, and told me so.

Rythmbox seemed hard to find options for "automatic" ripping. I won't be 
selecting discs manually, that's for sure. Maybe Rythymbox was reduced 
in functionality because of SoundJuicer being installed along side it. 
SoundJuicer seems to be designed to do exactly one thing, which is cool, 
I guess. I can't remember it really working well on multiple discs though.

I yum installed grip, and it looked like I'd be able to do exactly what 
I wanted, but there were too many options. The script solutions I've 
been offered are similarly complex. I don't think I know enough about 
what I want to choose. I just want my discs digitized without hassle.

I didn't get around to trying any KDE apps like Amarok, but I was pretty 
impressed by Banshee. I'm not big on that whole "Mono is Evil" thing, 
and I'm glad there were packages for Fedora.

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