Google Earth and nVidia [SOLVED]

Matthew Saltzman mjs at
Fri Jun 13 15:56:49 UTC 2008

On Fri, 2008-06-13 at 21:00 +0930, Tim wrote:
> On Fri, 2008-06-13 at 07:09 -0400, Matthew Saltzman wrote:
> > Well, my ~/.conf/Google was owned by root.  Deleting it and
> > ~/.googleearth solved the problem.
> I'm curious if that's because of a similar situation as Windows has:
> You become the super user to install, you install, the installation's
> final step offers to run the newly installed program, and you end up
> running it as the root user.

Yes, that's exactly what happened.  And the first time I ran the new
version from the installer, it worked fine.  Then repeats running as
myself failed.

Confusion ensued because of the problems with the nVidia driver
installation, but the two problems may not have been related at all.

> It's ages since I installed Google Earth to remember how it worked.  The
> current release threw masses of SELinux errors at me, when I tried it
> some time ago.  I wasn't happy with the proposed solution - allow it to
> do all sorts of things that SELinux was complaining that it shouldn't.

Not sure what's changed, but there don't seem to be an SELinux
violations by the current GE packages.

                Matthew Saltzman

Clemson University Math Sciences
mjs AT clemson DOT edu

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