kernel-PAE or xen or both?

Maurizio Rottin maurizio.rottin at
Wed Mar 5 11:51:57 UTC 2008

HI all,
i have a dom0 with 5GB of ram.

i'm using kernel-xen both in dom0 and in domU's

i'm running 4 virtual machines, but at some point the last created (or
the one with the higest id) get crashed by something that i can't find

No logs, but a mere
[2008-03-05 11:28:08 xend.XendDomainInfo 3625] WARNING
(XendDomainInfo:923) Domain has crashed: name=php01 id=369.
[2008-03-05 11:28:09 xend.XendDomainInfo 3625] DEBUG
(XendDomainInfo:1566) XendDomainInfo.destroyDomain(369)
[2008-03-05 11:28:09 xend.XendDomainInfo 3625] DEBUG
(XendDomainInfo:200) XendDomainInfo.create(['domain',[cut]
in  /var/log/xen/xend.log

Then i'm wandering if the problem can be memory usage, since to use
more that 4GB i should use kernel_PAE instead.
Maybe, if kernel-xen is not compiled against PAE, the server does not
know how to use the last GB...just supposing...
But can i have kernel-xen combined with PAE?!? i don't know...

Anyone know if my setup is wrong?


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