how can I copy?

Jonathan Underwood jonathan.underwood at
Tue Mar 18 19:53:19 UTC 2008

On 18/03/2008, chloe K <chloekcy2000 at> wrote:
> Hi all
> i just want to get all information stored in /proc/net
> ls it possible?

If you really want to make a snapshot of the file contents under
/proc/net onto disk, you could:

1) mkdir procnet
2) cd procnet
3) create a file called snapshot with the following contents:

for i in `find /proc/net -type d` ; do
    mkdir -p .$i

for i in `find /proc/net -type f` ; do
    echo $i
    cat $i > .$i

4) chmod +x snapshot
5) ./snapshot

And then in your procnet directory, you should see a replica tree of /proc/net

There's probably a more elegant way of scripting this  - I'm sure
scripting gurus will jump in :)


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