Fedora Makes a Terrible Server?

Les Mikesell lesmikesell at gmail.com
Tue Mar 25 18:23:59 UTC 2008

Albert Graham wrote:
> I'm sorry that you don't understand my response,

Did you expect anyone to understand that your installations weren't typical?

> but I did actually take 
> the time to visit the reference website you posted that "slated" the 
> Fedora a distribution, It was clear to me that, that guy does not have a 
> clue and is getting what he deserves, surely you understand that you 
> should not be taking his advice - that would be a case of the blind 
> leading the blind.

I didn't make the initial post with the reference.  My comment was that 
his seemed like a typical experience.

>>> The only real issue is a stable kernel for your requirements, 
>>> everything else is less important, also I have a habit of running 
>>> everything in user-space so it's a lot easier to virtualize or switch 
>>> out the underlying OS if required.
>> How do you virtualize "everything"?  You have to have a real kernel 
>> and device drivers somewhere. If that isn't an up-to-date fedora then 
>> you are talking about something very different than it seems here.

And I'd still like to understand this part.  Do you only recommend 
fedora for people who can virtualize it?

   Les Mikesell
    lesmikesell at gmail.com

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